
Philodendron Silver Sword (PHILODENDRON HASTATUM)

The Silver Sword Philodendron is an attractive tropical indoor plant, known for its unique foliage and decorative qualities.

Size : 1 gallon

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Distinctive Features

  • Foliage: Sword-like or arrow-shaped leaves, young leaves have a shiny silver color turning greener as they age.
  • Size: Can reach several meters in height in its natural habitat, stays smaller indoors.
  • Growth: Climbing plant, enjoys growing along a support or wall.

Growth Conditions

  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect light.
  • Soil: Well-draining potting mix.
  • Watering: Water when the topsoil is dry.
  • Humidity: Prefers high humidity but tolerates less humid conditions.


  • Cleaning: Wipe leaves to remove dust.
  • Fertilization: Balanced indoor plant fertilizer during the growing season.
  • Repotting: Every two or three years or as needed.

Toxic if ingested, so keep away from pets and children. Lightly mist leaves to increase humidity in dry environments.

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